Dec 2021 edition

Fernanda Vale Representante de American Softwoods para LatinoaméricaRepresentante de American Softwoods para Latinoamérica
Fernanda Vale Representante de American Softwoods para Latinoamérica

Who is Fernanda Vale? Studies and trajectory has a job experience now as in American Softwood

Fernanda Vale is International Relation License, with two special careers one of International Business and other in Merchandise, and other in Merchandise it counts with a recognize of Mercantile and Finance International by Hoge School in Amsterdam. Fernanda has more than 22 years of experience in the wood sector and she began her trajectory with the American Association of Hardwood in where collaborates 5 years. Actually she is representant of American Softwoods for Latin American that represents to APA The Engineered wood Association. In American Softwoods has about 17 years and has impulse our markets in countries as Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Peru, Panamá and Costa Rica, her presence been a fundamental piece for the successful workshop construction with wood products in the engineering it is realized in Mexico and y other as Perú. Fernanda Vale is expert in the wood sector in EE.UU and she gives different seminars in a presential and virtual form, and it help to the people, distributors and final usuaries of the different segments of the construction that have an adequate knowledge over the use and applications for these products.

How to know to begin to work in AMSOLATAM? Which were the challenges that you were in front of them and which were the motivations?

After working 5 years in American Hardwood and thanks to my experience in the wood world in wood parts, I decide to expand my labor job applying for one important position in American Softwood. This represent a challenge not only for the new activities algo for the new gam of wood products that have to be promotion, we remember that the wood is principally use for the furniture while wood of the EE.UU conifers add tits use and potential in the construction world. This is because, apart of knowing if the wood is resistant and pretty for using in furniture, I began to be in the wood structural world and engineer wood, of their properties and characteristic. The products that we promotion in American Softwood are for building since their seats until the same building structure of a building. Through years and with all the knowledge and experience also I develop the ability of being seminarist and making the different technical seminar of the association, first of the presential form and now also in virtual form. I am motivated to open new markets and to share the advantages that these products offer, really I believe that the engineer wood in the construction.

FERNANDA VALE Representante de American Softwoods para Latinoamérica

Which has been your experience working in AMSO LATAM in this pandemic time? Which have been the innovations and the challenges that have you been in front of?

It has been an interesting experience and satisfactory because it has allowed to amplify my knowledge in different areas, for example, in public relations from distance, if is good our activities were totally in presential form as the expos and the seminars, we had to innovate and continue with our promotion since very far. We continue following to the import people and the final usuary, final have the technical correct information and to stablish contact with the productors and that our
partners, we have been near in virtual form that the rest that represent make one promotion. Fortunately this nearest had taken in an excellent welcome in many countries in many countries in Latin American y with this, the challenges that have been presented during the confinement we have develop new markets and we arrive to other places and in where we not have been involved.

We decided to continue with the promotion of the wood products of engineering and yellow pine in the South EE.UU supporting in social nets and using the digital resources that we have in hand; we have been making virtual events from 1 to 3 daysof duration in where we invited as ponent to architects, engineers, importers and constructors of many countries. The interesting of making the events of virtual form is that we could joint, in the same forum to many experts of the continent, join them in presential form and it would be very complicated by different questions.

We have a great answer and one of a good impact, we achieve to join assistants of all Latin American and the different sector, including importers and usuaries in countries in where we won’t have previous contact. More over of the events and panels of virtual we continue sending useful information for many different types of public in order to be by nets or by e mail.

In American Softwood this change allow to explore the different ways of continue promoting our products in the different makets and maintain our presence of our objective public.

In the next months, in order to return a little more to our normality, we thought continue with our promotion with the presential events in order to arrive in the virtual forms and presential to all the interested in the wood products in engineering and in the wood of yellow pine.

We consider that, combining both formats, digital and presential, we can continue arriving to more usuaries to different markets.

All our digital activities are grabbed in our nets this will allow that in the future could return to see to these seminars and potentials But now, the challenge is to return to the presential events and give support to this type of the forums on line that have been helping to join, at the same time, to a great number of people interested that are in different countries.

FERNANDA VALE Representante de American Softwoods para Latinoamérica

What is the impact that the product of AMSO LATAM in the environment?

Today we found in an emotion moment of flouring and the wood evolution. The apparence f the new techniques, the wood industrial development, the new systems of pre-fabrication, the process series that add their sustain, security and efficient and over all, the worry by the environment and its making that the wood construction represents one attractive alternative and real with equally or more benefits in other materials as the iron or the concrete. The new usuary looks for living in places that have these advantages.

There are many benefits in using the engineering wood for the construction and thanks to all these benefits we could have a energetic and monetary safe. Its quickness for the construction, repair and high resistance and predict behavior make that the tablet were a great materials for the constructions. Over all, using the wood in our daily life we are benefits and help to the environment in order to be better, more over we left less carbon step.

World Construction News I Magazine